

  • ISBN:978-7-5478-5070-1
  • 作者:谢明晖 杨继金 陆小英 主编
  • 定价:¥48 元
  • 出版时间:2023-12-01
  • 版次:01
  • 印次:01
  • 装帧:
  • 纸张:
  • 开本:16
  • 字数:
  • 页数:



目  录


Interventional Nursing介入护理

1.Health Education for Patients with Liver Cancer Before Interventional Therapy 肝癌介入治疗术前患者的健康教育2

2.Health Education for Patients with Liver Cancer After Interventional Therapy 肝癌介入治疗术后患者的健康教育5

3.Health Education for Patients in Perioperative Periodof Uterine Artery Embolization 子宫动脉栓塞术围手术期患者的健康教育8

4. Health Education for Patients Before Radiofrequency Ablation 射频消融术前患者的健康教育 12

5. Health Education for Patients Before Argon-Helium Cryoablation 氩氦冷冻消融术前患者的健康教育 15

6.Health Education for Patients Before Microwave Ablation 微波消融术前患者的健康教育 18

7.Health Education for Patients Treated by Percutaneous Ethanol Injection 经皮肝穿刺无水乙醇瘤内注射治疗患者的健康教育 20

8.Health Education for Patients with Liver Abscess Treated by Drainage Under Ultrasound Guidance 超声引导下肝脓肿置管引流患者的健康教育 22

9.Health Education for Patients in Perioperative Periodof Vertebroplasty 椎体成形术围手术期患者的健康教育 25

10.Health Education for Patients Undergoing Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Stent Shunt 经颈静脉穿刺肝内门-体静脉支撑架分流手术患者的健康教育28

11. Health Education for Patients Implanted with Radioactive Particles 放射性粒子植入患者的健康教育31

12.Health Education for Patients After Intravenous Infusion Catheter Implantation 静脉输液管植入术后患者的健康教育 34

13.Health Education for Patients of Drug-Loaded Microspheres with Tumor Interventional Therapy 肿瘤介入治疗中载药微球患者的健康教育 37

14.Health Education for Patients After Interventional Therapy with Indwelling Catheter 介入术后留鞘泵疗患者的健康教育 41

15.Health Education for Patients After Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography 经内镜逆行胰胆管造影术后患者的健康教育 45

16.Doctor and Patient's Dialogue in the Operating Room 手术室医患情景对话 49

Before the operation 手术前 49

During the operation 手术中 52

After the operation 手术后54

17.Health Education for Patients Undergoing Liver Biopsy 肝穿刺活检术患者的健康教育 58

Nursing Care of the Use and Observation of Antineoplastic Drugs抗肿瘤药物使用与观察的护理

1. Health Education for Patients with Arsenic Trioxide Chemotherapy Treatment 三氧化二砷静脉化疗患者的健康教育 62

2.Application and Observation of Cisplatin 顺铂的使用与观察 66

3.Application and Observation of Epirubicin 表柔比星的使用与观察 69

4.Application and Observation of Docetaxel 多西他赛的使用与观察 72

5.Application and Observation of Fluorouracil 氟尿嘧啶的使用与观察 76

6.Application and Observation of Irinotecan 伊立替康的使用与观察 79

Health Education of Various Types of Catheter Care各类导管护理的健康教育

1.Health Education for Patients Before Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiodrainage 经皮肝穿刺胆道引流术前患者的健康教育 84

2. Health Education for Patients After Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiodrainage 经皮肝穿刺胆道引流术后患者的健康教育 86

3. Health Education for Patients Before Central Venous Catheterization via Peripheral Vein 经外周静脉置入

中心静脉导管置管前患者的健康教育 91

4.Health Education for Patients After Central Venous Catheterization via Peripheral Vein 经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管置管后患者的健康教育 95

5. Health Education for Patients with Indwelling Urinary Catheter 留置导尿管患者的健康教育99

6. Health Education for Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Nasobiliary Drainage 行经内镜鼻胆管引流术患者的健康教育102

Specialized Nursing专科护理

1. Health Education for Patients with Upper

Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage 上消化道出血患者的健康教育108

2.Health Education for Patients with Ascites 腹水患者的健康教育112

3. Health Education for Patients with Portal Hypertension门静脉高压症患者的健康教育115

4.Health Education for Patients with Hepatic Hemangioma肝血管瘤患者的健康教育119

5. Health Education for Pain Patients 疼痛患者的健康教育 123

6.Health Education for Fever Patients 发热患者的健康教育127

7. Health Education for Patients with Allergic Reactions发生过敏反应患者的健康教育130

8.Health Education for Patients with Hematoma 血肿患者的健康教育133

9.Health Education for Patients with Hypokalemia After Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization 肝癌栓塞术后低钾血症患者的健康教育137

10.Health Education for Diabetic Patients 糖尿病患者的健康教育141

11.Health Education for Jaundiced Patients 黄疸患者的健康教育145

Health Education for Hospitalized Patients住院患者的健康教育

1. Health Education for Hospital Admission 入院宣教150

2. Health Education for Hospital Discharge 出院宣教154

3. Fire Prevention Education 防火宣教 158

4. Burglary Prevention Education 防盗宣教 161

5. Fall Prevention Education 防跌倒坠床宣教 163

6. Smoking Cessation Education 戒烟宣教 165

7. Rest and Activity for Patients After Liver Cancer Surgery 肝癌患者术后的休息与活动 169

8.Magnetic Resonance Imaging 磁共振成像 172

9.Education for Patients Undergoing Gastroscopy 胃镜检查的健康教育175

10.Education for Patients Undergoing Colonoscopy 肠镜检查的健康教育178

11.Official Account Promotion 公众号推广182


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